The Wisconsin TA Strike film

In March 1970, the Teaching Assistants Association at the University of Wisconsin went out on strike for twenty-four days. It was the first TA strike in the history of the United States.

This is the story of the strike that launched the first graduate student employee union in the country, the union that has continued to represent Wisconsin TAs for over fifty years.

“Brings to life the intensity of the collision that unionizing TA’s caused.” STEVE JOHNSON

“The black and white footage, and the words and actions, of these path breaking teaching assistants back in 1970, speak to us today, of courage, union solidarity, and what it takes to challenge the boss, be it a university chancellor or an Amazon CEO.  This remarkable documentary should be shown and discussed in every graduate student employee organizing campaign today!” MAYNARD SEIDER, writer/director “Farewell to Factory Towns?”, author, The Gritty Berkshires: A People’s History from the Hoosac Tunnel to MASS MoCA

Documentary film 29 minutes | Language: English | Subtitles: English

Filmmakers 1970: Mike Oberdorfer, William B. Pratt, James W. Russell

Re-edited in 2021 by James W. Russell



DVDs for sale: $20 individuals, $100 institutions

Contact: James W. Russell (